Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the difference between membership and certification?
The credential is valid for 2 years from the date you took your course. Therefore, certification expires every 2 years regardless of membership.
Membership is annual and begins one year after you first took an Instructor course. From that point, you can choose to pay the annual membership fee and access the benefits.
To recertify online as an instructor, you must have paid the membership for the second year.
2. How do I verify the validity of my AIDER diplomas/credentials?
Certifications can be verified directly on the AIDER website by clicking here. You will need to enter your certification code (starting with AR-1) and your full last name as it appears on the credential.
3. How do I verify the validity of my ACES diplomas/credentials?
ACES certificates come with a QR code that you should scan with your mobile device to validate the information on our own website.
4. How do I access the online pre-course and AIDER materials?
1. Go to the platform from the LOGIN AIDER option in the top menu.
2. Log in with your chosen username and password.
3. Click on “My Courses”.
4. Click on the course name and then on “Materials”.
5. In the materials list, you can download and/or view online the guides, videos, and all available documents.
Note: Your browser may be blocking “pop-ups”. For example, if you are using Chrome, you might see a red asterisk icon in the top-right corner of the navigation bar. Click there to unblock. We always recommend using Chrome, as the system works optimally with it.
5. How do I recover my AIDER password?
1. Go to the platform from the LOGIN AIDER option in the top menu.
2. Click on “Forgot your username and/or password?”.
3. Enter your email address and click “Generate Password”.
4. Follow the instructions you receive by email (check your spam folder).
5. Once you have your password, always log in to the platform from the LOGIN AIDER option in the top menu.
6. What is the difference between the AIDER system and the ACES Point system?
The AIDER system has a virtual platform that allows you to access course materials, take exams online, and obtain your certificates.
ACES Point is a certificate issuance system exclusive to ACES member instructors. Its main function is the issuance of credentials and diplomas.
I Am an ACES Instructor
7. How long is my instructor credential valid?
The instructor credential is valid for two years. After two years, you must recertify as an instructor.
8. How long is ACES membership valid?
ACES membership is annual and lasts one year. Your first membership is included with your first Instructor course.
9. How much does ACES membership cost?
The cost is $100 USD per year, which includes: recertification of your Instructor course every two years online at no additional cost, significant discounts on other courses, and access to online courses for Monitor and Brigadistas training exclusive to ACES instructors.
10. What is the difference between membership and credential?
The Credential is valid for 2 years from the date you took your course. Therefore, certification expires every 2 years regardless of membership.
Membership is annual and expires one year after you took your first Instructor course. The first-year membership is included in the course cost, but to recertify online when your certification expires, you must have paid the second-year membership.
11. What does AIDER certification include?
Access to the online system with your corresponding course, digital materials, exercises, presentations, a participation diploma for all participants, and a credential for those who pass the course.
12. How do I obtain my AIDER and ACES Instructor credentials?
To download your AIDER diploma and credential:
1. Log in to the AIDER platform and go to "My Account".
2. Click on “My Certificates”.
3. Download your “Diploma” or “Credential”.
To download your ACES diploma:
1. Log in to ACES Point from the menu.
2. Click on “My Diploma” to download it.
13. Can I use the ACES logo for promotion?
- The ACES logo can be used in advertisements made by an instructor.
- The ACES logo cannot be used on personalized certificates generated by the instructor. What is allowed is using “Instructor of ACES” in your signature.
- For promotional material, you can use the ACES and AIDER logos.
14. How do I affiliate my site with ACES?
If you want to affiliate your site with ACES, you must send us the completed Institutional Association Contract form, and we will list you on our website as an Associated Institution. There is no cost for ACES members with up-to-date membership. If you want to affiliate your site now, click here.
I Am a Student of an ACES Instructor
15. I have already taken a PS, CPR, and AED course. Can I become certified as an Instructor?
You need to send your Curriculum Vitae/Resume to info@acesint.org with information about your profession, studies, courses taken, etc., and we will respond by email.
16. How do I verify the validity of my diplomas/credentials?
- To verify ACES certificates, simply scan the QR code included with each certificate.
- To verify AIDER certificates, go to www.aider.org and find the "Certifications" option in the menu. Then enter your credential code (starting with AR-1) and your last name (as it appears on the certificate); finally, click "Verify".